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India is a country comprised of some of the most different cultures (different from us) we’ve experienced on our travels.
It is also a country where it’s easy to find a lot of people who are living and working for a dollar or two per day.
Here is a video where we met a potter:
The man who we saw making these pots would make as many as 30 pots in a day.
He would make, on average, $5 for those 30 pots.
After his expenses for clay and tools, he would make $2.00-$3.00/day.
He and his family (including 4 children) lived on that salary.
What’s even more amazing than the small amount he earns for his manual labor is the quality of his work.
Watching him work was amazing.
He was a true master of his craft, handling the clay and creating beautiful pieces of art by hand.
Looking at this picture we took reminded me of a bible verse I heard a lot growing up.
It’s a verse about how we are shaped by a higher power. This guiding of our lives can be seen in “the potter’s hands”.
And so I’ve turned one of the pictures I took there into a poster for today’s giveaway.
Here is what the poster looks like:
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For this giveaway, Carrie and I will be paying for printing and shipping.
You get to choose the size of this poster (up to 36 inches by 24 inches).
Alternatively, if you would just like the picture, with or without the bible verse, we can do that as well.
Image may be NSFW.
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Alternatively, if you know for sure that you would like to buy a print of this poster, let us know what size of poster (in inches), and we’ll send you a price. (Will be less than $20, depending on size).
All you have to do to be entered to win this poster is 2 steps:
Step 1:
Like this post on Facebook, +1 it on Google, or Tweet it.
Step 2:
Post one of your favorite bible verses, sayings, or a favorite quote using the comment field below.
(Make sure to include your best email address so we can contact you when you win.)